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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Roses may be prickly, but you can grow them too.

Garden club Announcements:

Update on Home Tour

Cathy is working on more pictures and detailed description of homes.

Dana & Harriett have raised around $6,000 in community sponsorships. Tickets are $20. Please sign up for host shifts and ticket tent shifts.

Shades Cahaba Elementary Winter Festival is this Saturday 10:00-4:00 You do not have to be present to bid in the silent auction. Auction link in picture below. Elizabeth Coleman from the Birmingham Botanical Gardens Rose Society came to speak to the club about growing a rose garden. Whether you like a Hybrid Tea Grand Diflora Rose, Miniflora, Pope John Paul II, Chicago Peace, or Old Garden Roses, you can find the right rose to suit your gardens personality. Looking for a long vase life? Try Veterans Honor or St. Patrick’s.Looking for long stems? Try Moonstone or Marilyn Monroe. Disease resistant? Look at Rose Ring of Fire, Gemini, Knockout, or Drift Roses. Need Something Hardy? Try Peggy Martin. Hate Thorns? Look at Mutabulis or Zephrine Drenin. The Birmingham Botanical Gardens Rose Society meets once a month. Their roadshow is always Mother’s Day weekend.

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