There are discussions going on about issues online, unfortunately the only venue for that is facebook-which I know leaves some of you out. Most of the candidates have a page on FB and/or a website where they accept questions via messenger or email form. The facebook discussions are monitored by admins on group pages Homewood City Voters (where issues & politics are discussed) and What's Happening In Homewood (more issue/event oriented).
Ward 5: Place 1: Jennifer Andress (uncontested/not on ballot*) Place 2:
Jeff Foster
Ward 5 Events:
Jeff Foster
Sunday August 2nd -- 3-4 PM
Wednesday August 12th -- 12-1 PM
Sunday August 23rd -- 3-4 PM
Topic: Jeff Foster for Ward 5 Link: Meeting ID: 739 0393 9032 One tap mobile: +13017158592,,73903939032# ; +13126266799,,73903939032#
Zach Isbell: Schedule your time on his open calendar.
Mayor of Homewood
Scott McBrayer
H.I.V.E. Candidate Forums CANCELLED! It got t Thursday, August 6, 2020
6:30 p.m. Ward 1 City Council Candidates
8:00 p.m. Ward 2 City Council Candidates
Thursday, August 13, 2020
6:30 p.m. Ward 3 City Council Candidates
8:00 p.m. Ward 4 City Council Candidates
Monday, August 17, 2020
6:30 p.m. Mayoral and Council President Candidates
Thursday, August 20, 2020
6:30 p.m. Ward 5 City Council Candidates
Homewood Star Forum - Aug 11, The schedule for the event will be as follows:
1 p.m. Introduction
1:05 p.m. Ward 1 candidates
1:15 p.m. Ward 2 candidates
1:45 p.m. Ward 3 candidates
2:15 p.m. Ward 4 candidates
2:45 p.m. Ward 5 candidates
7 p.m. Council president
7:05 mayor candidates
Check back on this webpage Aug. 11 for information on joining the Zoom meeting.
The other 4 square miles ;-)
Ward 4 Place 1
Barry Smith
Place 2
Ward 3 Place 1
Nick Sims
Place 2
Frances Nance
Ward 2
Place 1
Carlos Aleman
Place 2
Celeste Bayles
Beverly LeBoeuf
Ward 1
Place 1: Andy Gwaltney (uncontested/not on ballot)
Place 2
Council President Alex Wyatt (uncontested/not on ballot)